Thursday, November 17, 2011

As I was apology of sorts!

In my early days in journalism  I was, among other things, a columnist (you could say we were the forerunners of today's bloggers since we wrote (or filled) a "column" in the newspaper on a regular basis as blogs are written and uploaded today!!).  One of the quotes that has remained with me since then is "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted". This is formally ascribed to columnist 
Sir William Neil Connor (1909 - 1967)
 known as "Cassandra", who wrote for the London "Daily Mirror". Since he had stopped writing his column to serve as a soldier in World War Two, at war's end, when he recommenced his first column, he wrote his famous verse: "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted" (by the war)...... 

Like many another British journalist, "Cassandra" always put himself in the middle of every story as I often like to do too, and today, as I pick up this blog after so many months of seeming inertia, I find myself obliged to start off a la "Cassandra". So.......
As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by my self imposed break, the blog - and the blogger - are more than alive and well.  Hooray.  I must apologise for not delivering what I had promised late in 2010, that's a bigger, better blog.  But life has its way of doing - and changing - things.  These past few months have not been inert at all and two family marriages have also taken place in my house - a son and a daughter now happily settled into a new life; at the same time my marketing communications business has seemingly stopped its downward trend and is now plateauing (before rising again?); and so much more as well. I've been busy! 

But it's good to be back after all.  So what was I saying the last time I blogged?  Oh yes, how can there be Christmas without Christ in it.  Always a very valid point of argument because today not everyone seems to connect Christmas time with a very special religious commemoration. Pity. Though I doubt if, in reality, the good Lord worries too much about it all.  He's used to us turning our backs on Him throughout history that He's become immune to our antics.  It was for the same reason that He came into the world, to bring us back to His Father.  To open our eyes to see the wonderful things that had been prepared for us and which we ignored completely, preferring the short-lived excitement of what the world has to offer instead of the eternal option of living with the Father in His mansion with many rooms, as Jesus Himself told us.  

What always amazes me in all this is that all God wants from us is to realise that He just wants to love us with all His might so that we, in turn can love Him back too.  Not a bad deal if you think about it, and yet we just turn our backs on Him for whatever the reasons we think fit.

Thanks for reading.  Back soon....after the break!!

The Last Word?

Make yourself at home here, come back and read some of the older cappuccino posts too, relax, reflect.... and comment if you wish....there's a comment button at the end of each post!
I hope to see you again in a few days time. Enjoy.